Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Joys of Homeownershipness

1. paying twice my rent for the privilege of fixing everything that goes wrong. like the plumbing.

2. seeing a Downy Woodpecker outside my balcony. OK, you can see 'em renting, too, but it's different. it's like i own the woodpecker :)

3. having a party at my new house. a nice, small, quiet party with really cool peoples.

4. painting the walls whatever colour i damn well please.

5. installing stuff in the walls requiring screws and whatever.

6. not having to wonder if, in a year or two, all this furniture will work in my new place.

1 comment:

walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

Own the woodpecker! Work it, own it... (snaps three times in z formation)