Monday, October 15, 2007

almost there

so, i spent another $400 or so on house stuff... and i'm *almost* done. it's amazing when you're kind of starting over how much stuff there is to get. and how much stuff you want to get :)

so, a little more organization and the place will start looking like an actual home, with a living room and bedroom and non-paper plates and everything. it's pretty exciting. i hope by the time the halloween party rolls around it really is in better order -- that's the plan, anyway.

the birds are totally digging the balcony. of course, i put out the primo seed -- sunflower. a wren has been spotted, but the most exciting bird moment of this weekend was the titmouse. or, rather, the titmouses, uh, titmice? titmeeces. there was a pair. they are adorable. i was watching through the window when one flew to the window ledge, 8 inches from my face, and gave me a look like he was sizing me up. then he took off with an attitude of "you're not worth it." it was great. but the house sparrows are getting so comfortable i'm afraid to leave the door open, thinking maybe one of them will decide to explore inside and i'll end up with another fiasco à la the wrens of springfield.

with the new coffee table and it's non-glass top, i decided i needed some coasters. and being the crafty girl i am, i decided my sunday project was to make the coasters. the a.c. moore didn't have exactly what i went for, so i improvised with a couple picture frames (glass to be cut to coaster size) and floral flat-backed marbles. i'm less than ecstatic with the results, but it was less than $10 so lesson learned. and they'll work until i make the coasters i really want.

the magnets of last week, however, are pretty awesome. i bought some more supplies to make more of 'em.

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