Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh, You People SUCK!

i was about to blog and rave about my new favorite place to eat. the food is delicious, but on top of that, they have a serious sense of humour. all the names of the menu items are movie or tele references... ok, not that original or cool, sure. but most of their references, if not put in context with a few you recognize, you would never know were movie/tv references. like, say, johnny coctostan. or the triple lindy.

i was going to tell you all how totally awesome this place was, except -- i went to their website, and found out they're having a contest to CHANGE THE NAMES OF THEIR ITEMS.

hey, here's an idea! take the quirkiest, most stand-out thing about your place, the thing that people who aren't in on the joke won't care about, but people who are in on the joke will possibly adore and thus form brand loyalty, and CHANGE IT.

i'll still mention their name, because after two burritos and a quesadilla there, i really think they're one of the best 'fast-food' tex mex joints around. but i'm still sorely disappointed with you, Moe's.

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