Thursday, May 1, 2008

drinking - ur doin it rong

i usually don’t blame kids for most of their ridiculous actions, because hell, being a kid is pretty dang tough sometimes, and you screw up, sometimes in a minor way, sometimes royally. also, many parents don’t seem to be too keen on parenting these days so it really isn’t always the poor kid’s fault.

however, this is just beautiful in its classic, teen-aged stupidity way:

some kids were caught drinking at school (i believe they were high-school freshies). you know right away this is probably a one-off event, because the real bad seeds don’t get caught running a mini-bar in the bathroom, attempting to show their friends how cool they are. they get drunk all on their lonesome *before* school. or vet their invitees a little better.

the best part, though, the most delicious part of this story, is what they were drinking. a mix of VODKA, WINE, TEQUILA, RUM, and fruit juice.


this is one of those cases where the punishment really should have been having to drink the whole bottle, because that just sounds rancid. i bet they'd never drink again.


walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

Mmmm. Underage drinker special. I remember when I had my first official underaged drink... Go Boone's!

trickbunny said...

if I were there at that teenage drinkin' party, I woulda made sure to let 'em drive me around in my own car after all those delicious "rumtevodquavinos". that's my idea of fun. hell, I wouldn't even line the car interior with plastic. kids just wanna have fun!