the excitement i feel is only partly due to having a functioning, sexxy updated site. it's mostly because i feel like some kind of CSS goddess. that's right, CSS, BAY-BEE!
i did the site with some graphics and entirely CSS & HTML. i did use some transparent PNGs, but hey, i'm not some kind of code-compliant cross-browser sorceress. plenty of people who get paid to do websites transgress the rules in a more egregious fashion. the point is, i put up a damn fine website that didn't take me three months to build that functions like a mo-fo and is hot hot hot with the graphics and styles. beat that.
to come soon: more proof of my totally awesome awesomeness – my new professional design/portfolio site.
mmmm i get all yummy just thinking about the :hover tags and clip properties i'm using.
Ooooh! Website-alicious!
you don't know the half of it. the new personal site is up. i'll move it to my new domain,, when i switch my hosting provider. telling professional peeps you're at '' just doesn't sound so... um... professional. :)
Wow! I'm in awe. For reals. I wish I ran a company so I could hire you.
aw, i wish you could hire me, too! i'd definitely hire you for all my HRing. you'd keep the stoopids out.
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