Monday, June 11, 2007

The Busker, Part II

i've officially made more busking than i did in Vegas.

last weekend's two-hour take was $29. combined with my $6 initial experience, that makes $35. even if you don't count the money i put in to win at slots (that is, my actual losses), i only got $34 payout.

i made up a song about mango ice cream, and another one about butterflies, and a peruvian man and his translator told me all about god. i also got to meet a man carving a hiking stick and another busker, Curtis. Curtis has a kick drum/hi-hat set up along with his guitar, and he does them good ol' down south blues. he's good, and nice. he dropped a couple bucks in my case a little while after directing me to a good spot to set up.

so... i think i'm hooked. practicing guitar, getting paid for it, no pressure of a show... yeah. i like busking.

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