Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How Elections Should Be Decided

Huckabee got Chuck Norris. Then McCain got Rambo. All we need is Romney to get Schwarzenegger and we've got ourselves a cage match to decide the Republican nominee.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

her last words were, "I shoulda gotten a cheeburger."

how true, how true.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Stupid Contest

mostly i don't mind the sales staff here, but there are a couple of them that make my job more difficult; specifically, the sales manager. i overheard the manager and a couple reps chatting at the end of the day. one said, "we should have a stupid contest each day, and at the end of the day award the person who said or did the dumbest thing." Another says, "oh, that's not fair, bob will win every day!"

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hells to the Yeah!

Holy Cannoli, Bette-girl! the brand-new is up and running.

the excitement i feel is only partly due to having a functioning, sexxy updated site. it's mostly because i feel like some kind of CSS goddess. that's right, CSS, BAY-BEE!

i did the site with some graphics and entirely CSS & HTML. i did use some transparent PNGs, but hey, i'm not some kind of code-compliant cross-browser sorceress. plenty of people who get paid to do websites transgress the rules in a more egregious fashion. the point is, i put up a damn fine website that didn't take me three months to build that functions like a mo-fo and is hot hot hot with the graphics and styles. beat that.

to come soon: more proof of my totally awesome awesomeness – my new professional design/portfolio site.

mmmm i get all yummy just thinking about the :hover tags and clip properties i'm using.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Finger Leper

i'm trying to quit biting my nails (and cuticles) AGAIN. the only thing i've found that works (other than just not biting) is putting liquid bandage on my fingers. i think it works because then i pick at the liquid bandage instead of picking at my skin.

the unfortunate side-effects to this treatment are that i now smell of some strong foul chemical, even hours after application, and my fingertips look strange... the bandage peels and flakes and makes me look like i have leprosy or some other skin disease in my fingertips. the bonus to all this is that the liquid bandage is also shiny ... so my fingertips (not my fingernails!) are shiny. and peely. and i leave little flakes behind wherever i go.

You Heard It Here First

i hereby copyright, trademark and whatever else you can do to this idea (can you tell i think it's just brilliant?):

Beer with a hint of honey
Tagline: The sweet buzz

identity (logo & packaging) to follow.

man, i love ideas! check out some good ones i've stolen, btw:
they make great valentine gifts. especially "i heart t.v." and "kiss me."